Webinar Attendance Policies

The California Society of Enrolled Agents (CSEA) and its local Chapters, hereinafter referred to as the Event Organizers, are committed to providing a professional, friendly, safe, and welcoming experience for all participants during each webinar. The following policies have been established to support a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of all parties.

Summary: All participants are expected to be professional, considerate, respectful, and collaborative: from fellow online event attendees to staff and volunteers involved with the virtual experience. We value you, your safety, and your participation, and we appreciate your help in making these webinars the best they can be.

Continuing Education Credits

CSEA is required to validate online attendance through two separate tests:

  • How long each attendee was logged-in to the webinar, AND
  • How many polls were answered during each hour of the webinar (3 are required per hour)

If an attendee fails to meet these criteria for the entire webinar but meets the criteria for half, CSEA will report half-credit to the IRS.

NOTE: CTEC does not allow partial attendance credits.

CE Certificates will be issued after attendance validation has been completed by CSEA staff.

Code of Conduct


  • Participant comments will be respectful and relevant to the topic throughout each webinar. Participants may hear opinions with which they do not agree, which is common in a professional space. We encourage participants to consider views that differ from their own with an open mind and respond to differences in a respectful way. Differences of opinion should be expressed as they relate to the topic and should never target the person or organization presenting the content.
  • Participants are encouraged to limit distractions by closing or minimizing running apps, silencing smartphones, limiting multi-tasking, and joining sessions from a quiet workspace. This will allow for maximum engagement during our time together.
  • Participants can use the chat feature in Zoom for comments and questions throughout the event. A member of staff or local chapter volunteers will be monitoring the chat during each session.

Unacceptable Behavior

The event organizers are committed to the free expression of ideas in a respectful and professional manner. Participants will not engage in unacceptable behavior, virtually (online), which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal, or visual conduct toward another participant or participants which is unsolicited and unwelcome and creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
  • Any lewd or offensive behavior or language, using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct, profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious, or ethnic slurs.
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.


If a participant engages in any behavior that the event organizers believe to violate this policy, Event Organizers may take any actions they deem necessary to keep the online event a safe and comfortable environment for all other participants. This may include, among other things, expelling the offender from the webinar with no warning or refund, and disciplinary action against the offending person by Event Organizers. 

By participating in this online webinar, you agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct. If you violate it, you may be expelled from a webinar without refund, at the discretion of the Event Organizers and the Event Organizers may take such other action as it deems appropriate.


If someone engages in harassing or otherwise unacceptable behavior and it causes you or anyone else to feel unsafe or uncomfortable during a webinar, please report the circumstances as soon as possible, so that effective, appropriate action can be taken. You can make a personal report by emailing us at info@csea.org. You will be given resources to assist in formally filing a report. CSEA may revise this Code of Conduct at any time. This Code of Conduct is without prejudice to CSEA’s rights, all of which it expressly reserves.

Technical Requirements

Attendees will receive advance instructions via email for accessing each webinar. Attendees are responsible for reading and following the instructions and are encouraged to test the process by executing all the preliminary steps before the webinar start time.

Zoom Requirements

Each webinar is hosted through Zoom.  A broadband internet connection is required. For minimum system requirements, visit the following pages:

System Requirements Disclaimer: Attendees are responsible for ensuring that the minimum system requirements are met to participate in these webinars.  Please verify 24 hours in advance of webinar attendance that the system requirements are met.  Any technical issues should be directed to Zoom support. Event organizers are not responsible for users unable to operate their own equipment to attend these webinars.

Recording Disclosure

By participating in webinars, you grant the California Society of Enrolled Agents (CSEA) and its employees, agents and assigns the right to use your name, image, voice, or other likeness for business purposes. If we individually and specifically interview you, film you and record your words, CSEA will seek your express permission to use corresponding footage. All images, recordings and quotes shall become the property of CSEA and may be displayed, distributed, or used by CSEA for any purpose, and in any media, whether print, electronic or on the CSEA website, and without payment of any royalty to you.